Sunday, 4 November 2012

Thongs and boardies

I got home today.
I knew I was in Sydney the second I saw 3 guys strutting side by side through Arrivals donning thongs and boardies, and then multitudes more in the following couple of minutes. I hadn't seen that in 4 and a half months..
I felt like I was inhaling in honey for the first 20 minutes I breathed it all in again. Like the humidity and opposing seasons to where I'd come from had thickened the air.
The smell of Aussie flora streamed through the open window on the way home, and burnt incense floated through the upper floor of the house when I finally arrived.
I ended up sprawled on the sand under the sun with a coffee the way it should be made.

It almost feels like I never left, but I did. Everything is familiar but my insides feel so different, like they've been rearranged, and I have so many vivid memories and feelings now stored away that feel like they've appeared from nowhere.
I will never be able to sufficiently express how grateful I am for every single person that I met during my 135 days abroad. And extra special thanks and a million hugs to Chelsea and Judith.

I haven't nearly finished with this, I have three weeks at home to catch up, and I'm now leaving again after those three weeks, but to China for about 3 months.

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