- Everything is cheap; 3-4 kuai to travel across shanghai on the metro, you can easily get a drink for 20 kuai, or 10, or for free (if you're female) and eating til your stuffed for 12 kuai is a perfectly feasable thing.
- A (small) part of me never wants to ever go back to the gym. But then again, when you wear 3 layers everyday against the cold there's nothing to scrutinise.
- The lazy me can temporarily avoid responsibility, like going to uni and working and eating healthy and exercising regularly.
- European boys. Shanghai is an expats paradise, and oh! the variety!
- I haven't personally experienced racism over the past three months. And I know it's China, but it's the same in Europe. It's sad but there is an overwhelming number of Australians around where I live who are just completely intolerant.
After nearly five months overseas, within a mere couple of days of being home, a friend of some friends, who I didn't even know, made a snide comment while standing directly behind me to some other person I didn't know about how Gangnam style (that had just come on in the pub) was my song. Firstly, I am not Korean. Secondly, who are you? And thirdly, why do I even care? I turned around, laughed at his ignorance and left.
Don't get me wrong, I love my country, and it's always great to hear an Aussie accent while I'm travelling. In fact, every Australian I've stumbled upon while overseas has been awesome, does that just mean that all the ones that suck don't travel? Because it can't just be Sydney.
- FRUNDS. Yes, Shel actually has friends now, friends that she doesn't want to part with :'( Friends that I have to thank for the past month and a half, the reasons I have finally fallen for Shanghai!
Reasons to go home
- The weather. Warmth. The sun. Mild winters.
- Friends that I miss like HELL.
- Family.
- Drinkable tap water.
- Easily accesible healthy fresh food.
- A good gym.
- Uni - I'm actually really looking forward to learning again. I missed it while in Europe, and learning Mandarin for the past month has reminded me how much I actually enjoy learning about things I'm interested in.
- Shitty clubs = less drinking - Shanghai has been spoiling me, I've been overdoing it a bit here.