Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Arno River

Firstly, Florence was HOT. And when I say HOT, I mean a little less than unbearable. Our little apartment had no airconditioning so two little fans were on the second we walked into the apartment and then all night pointed directly at the bed where we slept.

Duomo di Firenze

The outside of the duomo in Florence is no less than magnificent; marble left, right and center. However, the inside sadly didn't quite live up to its exterior..

Before arriving in Italy, especially Florence, I was warned of THE GYPSIES(!!!) countless times.
Sadly, my expecations of the swarms of rogue nimble-fingered long-skirted long-haired gypsies were nowhere near fulfilled when I finally arrived. If you can remain aware of your possessions there's nothing to worry about... just don't walk around with your bag hanging open and a paper bag over your head.

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